Thursday, 30 November 2017

DiJAI Invites Amateur Writers (non professionals and students) in English and Tamil

The Digital Journalists’ Association of India (DiJAI – invites non-professionals and students with writing skills in English and Tamil, to contribute their work/articles on any topic, for scrutiny, for publishing in the digital portal, Outstanding contributions would be considered for inclusion in the e-magazine, PreSense. In this regard, the Editorial Team’s decision in the matter will be final and binding and binding.

DiJAI, an initiative of the e-magazine, PreSense, was formed in March 2016, with the objective of honing the professional skills of digital journalism among professionals and amateurs. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras is its knowledge partner.  In July 2017, DiJAI launched the Student Forum in two city colleges for women, in Chennai, to encourage potential and prospective writers among the students, and to help hone their writing skills. 

It is under this initiative that DiJAI is extending this opportunity to all non-professional writers and students,  if they are interested in getting associated with DiJAI. 

Those interested may please contact us with details through email 

K. Srinivasan, Founder & Chairman, Digital Journalists Association of India (DiJAI)


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